Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Magic Money Mantra
(Nam myo ho ren ge kyo)

Money Attractor - Subliminal Training

You can attract money to yourself. Your mind can help you attract the people and situations that will help bring money close to you. But you must focus, and program your subconscious mind to recognize and seek out money making people and situations. This subliminal video will do that. It's just a small taste of what the FULL version can do, but it will change the way you feel and think about money and your ability to attract it. Some of the money attracting subliminal programming in this video includes:

I accept good things into my life with gratitude.
Everything I touch turns to gold.
Every dollar I spend enriches the economy of the world.
Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.
Every day in every way my finances are getting better and better.
Every day I am getting more and more money.
Even when I am not working, I am making a fantastic income.
Each month my earnings double.
Dedication and persistence come naturally to me
Because of my great appreciation for money, success follows me wherever I go.
Because I love what I do, I have become a money magnet.
An abundance of money is flowing swiftly towards me.
All the money I need and desire is flowing into my life right now.
All the money I desire is flowing into my life.
All the money I could possibly want to flowing towards me right now.
All of the money I need is coming into my life now.
All money I spend returns to me tenfold.
I always have more than enough money to meet my needs.

Ask your money angel - 
manifest money hypnosis video

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